Prelude to Brandywine by Bryant White

Preserving a house, tree, and a momentous occasion in oil

Bryant holding the oil study of the officers for Prelude to Brandywine the night it was unveiled in the Hale-Byrnes House

Prelude to Brandywine's initial concept piece in the GWWTofDE Museum Archives before framing

On 12/5/2022, Historian Joshua Loper negotiated the purchase of the oil study and notes from Bryant White for Prelude to Brandywine for the GWWTofDE Museum and educational use. They will join the concept sketch that started the painting. Joshua purchased the concept art at the Hale-Byrnes House the night the painting was unveiled. The Whites are really great people. A huge special thanks has to go to Bryant for allowing the purchase of these for posterity.

Article Coming Soon! Copyright 2022-2032

Website by Historian Joshua Peter Loper